You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.14. Sales - Post Preliminary Invoices

Sales - Post Preliminary Invoices

Use this option to select and allocate serial numbers to a single preliminary invoice, i.e. when serialised goods on the invoice are received into stock. You can then post or print the invoice. You can also use this option to reprint a preliminary invoice if it hasn't been posted yet.



For more information on preliminary invoices, see "Preliminary Invoices for FIFO Stock".

You can also post preliminary invoices in a batch when serial numbers are to be allocated by the normal FIFO method – see"Posting a Batch of Preliminary Invoices".

  2. On the Post Preliminary Invoice screen, search for the invoice by either debtor or invoice.

In this case, we will search by debtor.

  1. Find the invoice you want to post and double click on it.

Micronet displays the details on the Post Preliminary Invoice screen.

  1. Double click on a serial item line to display the Enter Invoice Line screen.

  1. Select SERIAL to display the Select Serial Numbers screen showing all available serial numbers.

  1. Allocate the appropriate serial numbers to the invoice then select Ok.
  2. Select Accept on the Enter Invoice Line screen.
  3. Now you can select either FILE | POST to post the invoice without printing it, or FILE | PRINT (INVOICE FORMAT) to print the invoice without posting it.

The invoice is no longer displayed in the list of preliminary invoices. If you want to reprint the invoice, you can do it in the Reprint Invoice program – see "Sales - Reprint Invoice".